HENRY’s world of light and sound


3 New Series Now Available

PHOTO-LIGHT-PAINTINGS  --  a new adventure



Artist, Photographer, Composer, Music Producer

This site is a showcase of some of my work in painting and photography (and a link to my music site!)

I’m excited about a new line of painting--Photo-Light-Painting--where I “paint” with various light sources directly into a digital camera. I work with exposure and colors to shape the light and magic  that resides in everyday settings, to bring out qualities otherwise invisible. I’m finding this to be a very rich and compelling new medium.

I’m also continuing in a twenty+ year  love-affair of painting with oils and acrylic (while also continuing a career writing and producing music.)

Please check out the site and I hope you enjoy what you see and hear!

Henry Rowland

NEW works are finding homes